Seasoned Pork Chops

Slice the Pork Loin:

Use a sharp filet/boning knife to cut the loin into 1″-1.5″ chops. You can slice thicker or thinner depending on your preference. You can cut them thin if you want to fry them, as well.

Season the Pork Chops:

Coat the chops with Lawry’s Seasoned Salt and Black Pepper, covering all sides. Allow the chops to rest while you prepare the coals.

Starting the Grill:

Fill a charcoal chimney with coals and douse with lighter fluid. Ignite and allow 15 minutes or so for the center to become red hot. Empty the chimney into the center of the lower coal rack and use a pair of tongs to arrange the coals into a pyramid shape, roughly 4-5 coals deep in the center. Give the coals a few minutes, uncovered, to really start going now. Then, put the grill grate in and shut the lid until the grill is up to 400° F.

Grill the Pork:

When the grill is hot, place the chops, with the fat side toward the heat source, on the grill surrounding (but not directly over) the hot coals. Close the grill and allow about 10 minutes for the bottom side to cook. The chops should have visible grill marks and be turning red on the bottom. Then, turn them over so that fat cap is facing away from the heat. Allow up to 10 more minutes for the chops to reach 140° – 145° internal temperature. Then, pull them off and allow 3-5 minutes to rest. Enjoy!

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